Posted tagged ‘repetition’

Affirmations Have The Power to Change your Life

November 11, 2008

By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!

~ Anthony Robbins, bestselling author and trainer

Do you find yourself dwelling on the negative and ignoring the positive? Do you wish you could “snap out of it” and stop dwelling on the negative?

If you are anything like me, you find that you operate by getting into habitual patterns – some productive and some not. If your habits are bad for you, you will eventually get bad results. Your thoughts are no different. So if we habitually think negative thoughts, we will produce negative results. How does that work?

Well, science has shown us that everything is made up of energy, including our thoughts and the material world. So, when you focus your thoughts on something positive, say something you want to achieve or create, the energy of the thoughts attracts those desired results to you. Conversely, if you dwell on negative thoughts, like fear or lack, you will draw the same energy to you in the material world—that of fear and lack.

Your thoughts, as well as your words, act as a magnet to bring into your life material results that match the energy of what you think and what you say. So it is crucial that you become more aware of what you’re thinking and saying. What are you thinking about most of the time? What are you continually saying to yourself and others? When someone asks how you’re doing, do you start complaining? When you are faced with a challenge, do you first see the reasons why you can’t overcome it?

What you focus on is what you get. Most of us focus more on what we don’t want than what we do want. But how do you shift your typical negative attitude to a positive one? How do you shift your thoughts and words to what you want to create? Many successful people attribute their shift in attitude to a focused use of affirmations. Affirmations have been used for many years as a powerful tool to manifest desires. They are positive statements you say in the present tense.

Affirmations work because the sub-conscious mind cannot differentiate between what’s real and what you suggest as real. So, it processes the suggestions or affirmations as if they are real—as long as you say them with conviction and feeling. Then the sub-conscious acts on the dictate of the affirmation and sets forth circumstances to bring the desire to pass.

However, you want to create affirmations that are somewhat believable so your sub-conscious mind doesn’t reject them. Create them as statements of what you want and the opposite of what you don’t want. Say you want to be thinner. If you go around telling people you are overweight, or every time you look in the mirror you think, “I am so fat,” you are focusing on what you don’t want. You might create an affirmation that says, “I am getting thinner every day,” if you can believe this to some extent. If you said, “I am thin,” or “I am at my ideal weight” your belief detective who guards your precious beliefs, will reject that. If you are eating well and exercising, you might be able to believe “I am getting thinner every day,” or even “I value healthy food and exercise.”

Start your day by saying your affirmations out loud. Then write them on index cards and carry them around with you so whenever your unwanted beliefs or words pop up, you can pull out your affirmation cards. Continually repeating affirmations with conviction and enthusiasm can chip away at even the strongest resistance.

I know, because I had some challenges believing my affirmations, so I set them to music, sort of like jingles – which worked better for me. Now I go around and sing my Affirmation Jingles all day. And I am amazed at how my attitude has shifted, my negative thoughts and words have lessened, and a lot more good is coming into my life.

Because affirmations reprogram your thoughts, they change the way you think and feel. And because you have replaced unwanted beliefs with new desirable ones, positive changes will start coming into your life.